I keep very busy running the house, which includes making sure people are where they need to be at the right times. Some of you may be thinking how difficult can this be? Let me tell you, this can be a very difficult task at times...for example, not so long ago I received a phone call while I was in Sioux City from Mike, asking me if I forgot something. I replied with a calm" I don't think so, why did I?" He then responded with a" yes....you're 2nd child!" Needless to say I had forgotten to make arrangements for Cayden to be picked up from school. The poor child had to sit all bundled up in his winter attire for 1/2 hour, before the school came to the conclusion that no one was coming to get him. Talk about feeling like a terrible mother! It made me feel better when Cayden said to me..."Taxi Donna forgot to pick me up today!" (Our children ride the Holstein Taxi to and from school sometimes:) I replied "that darn Taxi Donna, I'm gonna have to talk to her." (Ha!) Moral of this story is...when you have several children, one might get left somewhere! Besides managing the Clausen schedule, I cook (love it), clean , do laundry (TONS), and work as the assistant director of nursing at Char-Mac Assisted Living 2 days/week.
Brady is 5 1/2, and is our quiet/shy one. He is in kindergarten and loves school. He also loves football...especially the Vikings! Brady has turned into quite the little "gamer" lately, and spends his extra time playing the Wii or his DS. He is a good little helper.
Cayden is 4 1/2, and there are few words to explain him...STUBBORN & TEMPER TANTRUMS! He is completely opposite of Brady...loud and outgoing, and he is not such a good helper. When I ask him to help me with something, his standard reply is..."no thanks mom...how about you just do it yourself." He loves action figures and dressing up in costumes. Somedays he is Batman, other days he is Spiderman, Iron Man, or a Power Ranger. He goes to Wee Wisdom Preschool (yes...the same preschool that we went to:-) three mornings a week, however he doesn't like school as much, as he would rather sit at home in his underwear and watch movies. (Ha!) For being only 4 he sure does come up with some of the funniest one liners. He definitely keeps me on my toes! :-)
Kellen is 2, and is very busy! He copies everything his big brothers do and say. His interests at the moment are farming and trains...who knows how long that will last! He may also be a future American Idol...(you'll see in a future video post). Lately he has been spending majority of his time in time-out. He also thinks time-out is funny, so we're going to have to come up with a different form of punishment.
Last but not least is baby Ty. Ty is 4 mo. old already! Wow how time flies! It makes me sad when I think about how my last baby is getting so big already. He really is a good baby, and has been sleeping anywhere from 10-14 hours straight at night! (knock on wood) I am enjoying cuddling and rocking him with every chance I get! Well that is the Clausen Crew at a glance. Here are a few pics!! Plenty more to come! Hope you enjoy!
Sunday night ritual!
Yay Katie! You are supermom! Just looking at pictures of all those boys makes me tired.
KATIE! Welcome to the blogosphere. I can't wait to hear all of your stories about mothering those four super-adorable boys. This is going to be FUN!
Nice work! I also love your background! Love those CLausen boys!
YAHOO! Welcome, Clausen Family! Love your boys, and all the pictures!
Whoa! No one sent out the "New Blogger Memo!" Great to see you on here. And a great first post!I'm sure you'll have tons of fun stories to share. Looking forward to it.
And Katie- what a wonderful family you have! Lots of little personalities!
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