At this rate the kids will be in school until July 4th! We have missed several days due to snow/blizzard conditions, and this week the ice moved in too. Everything is covered in a 1/2 inch of ice, making it even dangerous to walk to the car. I have been really nervous about taking Ty in his car seat outside, in fear that I may slip. The big boys are going stir crazy as there was no school Wed., late start Thurs., and no school today. I can't even let them go outside to burn off any energy, because huge branches keep falling. Oh, and to top it off we have lost power several times in the past few days. Try explaining to a 4 year old that he can't watch a movie because there is no electricity.
Here is how that conversation went:
Me: "Cayden, sorry you can't watch a movie right now because we have no power in our house."
Cayden: "Okay then I will just go to the basement and watch a movie."
Me: "No Cayden you can't because our entire house has no power including the basement."
Cayden: "Fine! I'll go to my room and watch a movie then!"
Me: "Cayden, you're not getting the point. You can't watch a movie anywhere at this time."
Cayden: "What!? I guess I'll see if Brady wants to play the Wii.
At this point I gave up.
Anyway, to pass our time we have been doing tons of coloring (will need new coloring books after this ice storm), made homemade brownies, and had a couple of play dates. Here are a few pics of the family hanging out & trying to pass the time!
unsure when I bought him a baby, but at
Poor Ty can never lay on the floor, because
this is what happens.
Holding up in the weather is yucky these days! I say don't worry about the dolly, it just shows how caring he is and what a good daddy he'll be someday! On a similar note, Grant wanted a Tinkerbell backpack for school and wanted to be Tinkerbell for Halloween. I bet that sits about as well for Mike as it did with Shane! Ah, what do ya do!
I think Ty's hair is getting lighter all the time! Quinn picks out Tinkerbell fruit snacks everytime, and he really wanted Disney Princesses for his bday (Scott said no!)
Laughing out loud when I read your conversation with Cayden. I could just hear it!
YAY!!!! Welcome to blog land!! Your boys are ADORABLE! I bet there is never a dull moment in your house with those boys!! Can't wait to continue to read your daily happenings!
I didn't know you had become a blogger :) I'm so excited to keep up with the Clausen crew! Your kids are just precious!!!!
I am soo glad to see you have joined the blogger world it will be nice to watch your family:)
Yay Katie! I happened to notice you on everyone else's pages! I can't wait to hear stories of what those boys are up to!
Just found your blog! Had fun reading it today! I loved reading about all the different personalities of your little guys! They are all too cute!! Your life must just fly by- how fun and busy!!
Ha! Poor Ty can't lay on the floor- he will get his revenge when he is big enough to cream him brothers.
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